Sunday, March 21, 2010

Book Review- Tangible Kingdom (Part Two)

Halter and Smay are veteran church planters that changed up their model and started a "faith community" in Denver, mostly by accident. It has multiplied. They tell their story and propose this model as a way to reach post-moderns (as opposed to the big attractional church.) I am excited about their new book coming out in April called "AND: The Gathered and Scattered Church" where they try to bridge the attractional/missional divide and propose that both models have something to offer.

Notice: I am not a professional book reviewer. When I read a book, I try to make a list of all the key quotes that spoke to me. Here they are (part two):

The Tangible Kingdom: Creating Incarnational Community, The Posture and Practices of Ancient Church Now by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay

Attractional model works when the church matches the culture. The greater the cultural distance from organized religion a person is, the greater the need for an incarnational presence of a gospel community. The incarnational approach tries to first create a people to which someone can belong so that they can feel or see aspects of the gospel lived out. They experience the good news, even before they know what it is.

The authors’ model is an inclusive Christian community of consistent “missional people” (individuals committed to forming their character and lifestyle after those of Christ and who are compelled to live out their faith in the context of community) along with “Sojourners” (temporary, spiritually curious but disoriented God seekers). Sojourners are welcome to be a part of the community and be as they are, no rules for them. We want them to be with us so that we can help them- on their own timetable- come to faith. As much as the missional people need some clear rails to run on (or “rules of life”), the Sojourners need only an environment in which they can be eyewitnesses to our life without feeling any pressure to be like us.

You first look for the Sojourner to confess interest, not belief. This is evidence that God is on the move in their hearts. As soon at the Sojourner expresses curiosity, I buy them a Bible and ask them to begin to read so we can talk more.

We use the word apprentice because it’s more accurate to the intent of what Jesus meant by his use of the word disciple.

Create belonging environments.
Become good news to people.
Be intentional and authentic in the places I find myself in.

Community more horizontal structure (collaborative team environment) than vertical (leader/pastor on top)

Leaders must call people beyond where they’ve been.

Hebrews 10:24 “And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds.”

God’s mission is not for the faint of heart. Looking for folks to roll up their sleeves and serve.

In existing churches, the authors recommend not leaving the church but rather starting a group and seeing if it can grow from there.

4 Practices/habits to attract Sojourners

(1) Leaving - Replace personal or Christian activities with time spent building relationships with people in the surrounding culture- dine with Sojourners, do things we love (hobbies) with Sojourners, look for chances to talk with neighbors, co-workers, etc.

(2) Listen

(3) Living Among- participating in the natural activities of the culture around you, with whimsical holiness (defined as being like Jesus with those Jesus would have been with). Whimsy is the posture we take that allows people to be themselves.

(4) Loving without strings- Shalom references one person’s desire to see the peace of God touch every aspect of another’s life. Blessing requires action. Blessing wasn’t just nice things you said to make people forget about their problems. It was actually doing something about their problems. Blessing without coercion (no strings attached) has a unique power to draw.

The Primary Spheres of Incarnational Community

Community – sharing friends, food, life.
Communion- sharing Scripture, Sabbath gathering, Soulace
Mission- benevolent action, spontaneous blessing, sacrificial giving, sending of leaders

Monthly community activity grid (gather 4 times): one evening for a party, one mission activity, twice for scripture/prayer

The goal of church is to grow missionaries.

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